The process of going through a divorce can be a emotionally draining and challenging period. It is very important to have a high comfort level with not only your legal team, but also with your appraiser, in the event that marital assets require division. Choosing an appraiser with experience in matters of litigation is very…
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Even if you have had your home recently appraised in conjunction with a refinance or purchase, the process can differ greatly from the relocation appraisal process. Review the following table to discover a summary of the differences between the two processes. Even if you have been relocated before, you still may find differences you didn’t know about.
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Once you have scheduled your appraisal you will want to prepare certain items for the appraiser even if they did not request them. Additionally you may have questions about what to expect during the process. Find out how to prepare for your appraisal regardless of whether you are meeting our appraiser on-site or if you are no longer living in your home.
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